Now the Schools have gone back after the Summer holidays, we will be starting our Children`s Craft Club again on the 14th September at 5 - 6 pm cost is £1 for children age 3 - 11 years, all children under 5 must be accompanied by an adult.
We will be holding a Macmillan Coffee Afternoon and Bake Off Competition on the 29th September with all proceeds going to Macmillan Cancer Appeal. Cake entries are £2 per Adult entry and £1 per Child entry. All cakes will be cut up and sold at the end to raise funds for Macmillan. There will be a Certificate and a Prize for the winning cakes. All cakes to be in the hall for 4 pm for judging at 4.30 pm. Lets see if we can beat the amount we raised last year £93
We will also be holding a Halloween Fancy Dress for all children and adults that want to join in the fun. This will be on Tuesday 31st October at 6 pm - 7.30 pm Door entry is £1. There will be prizes for best fancy dress in the following categories. 0-5 years, 5-11 years, 11-18 years and Adult.
Refreshments and hot dogs will be available the night .
We are also planning to start an Arts, Craft, Crochet, Knit and Natter group, this will be an informal group where people can bring along what ever art or craft they are working on, meet up with new people and have a chat over a cuppa whilst, working on their own projects. Please watch out for posters, dates and times.
We are in need of new groups, volunteers to help keep our hall active in the community, if you have an idea for a group and would be willing to give up the time to run it, then please contact one of our trustees to discuss your ideas.
We would love to open up a youth cafe for our high school children on the village during the winter months, however unless we get volunteers to help us run this group, it is not going to be possible. If you would be interested in helping us to open up as a youth cafe for our High School children on the village during the winter months.
Please contact Janice or Henry on 01697323570 leave a message and we will get back to you.